Yeşil Holding does not view success in any field it serves as a result achieved quickly or in a single attempt. True success is the ability to remain at the top for a long time. For this reason, it progresses on a steady path with continuous and meticulous work.

Our company, while preserving its current success, possesses a vision that closely anticipates the future. Through innovation-based work principles, it either develops new business areas that consider the interests of the consumer or restructures existing business models to benefit the consumer. This philosophy is a reflection of the roots nurtured by Yeşil Holding’s family culture.

Making a Difference
No matter the field of our services, we always make a difference. We firmly ground our creativity and innovative approach, and we are determined to generate economic value.

We focus diligently on every task and work professionally to deliver the best.

Delivering Value
While competing in highly competitive environments to ensure our physical sustainability, we consider products, services, and models that benefit our employees, customers, and society — prioritizing their interests — as our greatest competitive advantage.

We understand that one-off efforts do not contribute to lasting success. Therefore, we focus on our goals and strive to achieve greater successes through continuous development and renewal.

Our People
The Yeşil brand was built on family foundations. Although we have become more professional over time, we have never compromised the values of being a family.